The gold-plated version became the MK III, and Iron Man soon gained the nickname of "The Golden Avenger." Stark decided to paint its shell gold, after his date Marion Rodgers commented how Iron Man would look better with a paint job that could make him look like a knight in shining armor. During one of his heroics, Tony soon realized the dull gray appearance of the armor terrified not only his enemies but also the innocent people he was trying to protect.

After realizing he would need to wear that piece of the suit at all times, Stark made it lighter and sleeker.

The most notorious change was present in the chestplate. The suit was later upgraded into its MK II version by Stark when he returned to the United States. The armor doubled as a means for Stark to escape captivity and avenge Yinsen's death at the hands of their captors. It worked as a pacemaker to keep Stark's heart beating after shrapnel from the detonation of a land mine became lodged in his chest. This suit of armor was created by Tony Stark, with the help of Ho Yinsen, when he was captured by a terrorist cell in Afghanistan while overseeing the testing of some weaponry.